Shree Rajgira Laddu 100 Pcs Packet

Shree Rajgira Laddu 100 Pcs Packet

  • Brand : Shree
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Return Policy: This product is not eligible for cancel/returns/replace
  • 160
  • 132.00

  • MRP: ₹160
  • discount: ₹17.5%
  • MKP: ₹132.00

  • Made-In : Made In India
    Brand Name : Shree
    The Nutty Yogi Amaranth seeds are an Ancient super-grain, grown as early as 8000 years ago. Known for their health benefits like high protein and highest quantity of amino acids, it is one of the most commonly used grain in rural India.
    shreeji chikki & snacks plot no 194, small factory area, Wardhaman Nagar Nagpur
    Amaranth is high in protein and has an abundance of nutrients like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Also, this is the only grain to have vitamin C. It also has lysine, an amino acid, that helps to absorb calcium. Since it contains 2x more calcium than milk, it can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
